General Wastewater Information
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Perry Environmental provides a local, state, and federally-mandated service for the monitoring and operation of Type IV, V and VI Wastewater Treatment Systems and Grade I and II Wastewater Treatment Plants on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We operate in both Dare and Currituck Counties. In addition, we offer troubleshooting and installation of wastewater pumps and control panels for these systems.

We provide a reliable and responsive service for our clients who own businesses and homes in our coastal community. We have a unique combination of electrical and wastewater expertise which allows us to provide high-quality service fast, saving our clients time and money. We believe in working hand-in-hand with business and home owners to benefit and preserve the environment.

Our dedication to affordable, high-quality wastewater services is matched by an equal dedication to the environment, giving us pride in our company and our clients the satisfaction and peace of mind they deserve.

  Need to Evaluate Your Current Wastewater Operator?  
  Perry Environmental wants you to understand your monitoring report!